Cheat TP Ninja Saga | Cheat Talent Point

Ninja Saga Cheats+ 10 TP Hack Every Day 2011
Tools :
[-] Mozilla.
[-] Net Frame Work.
[-] Fiddler.
[-] SWF File.

How to get more TP :

  1. Run your Ninja Saga with mozilla or google chrome.
  2. Run the Fiddler.
  3. Clear Cache on your browser.
  4. on tab "autoresponer" checklist "enable automatic responses" & "Permit passthrough for unmatches request"
  5. drag the SWF file to autoresponder tab (tab which you have checklist before).
  6. clear cache 1 more time.

Clear Cache :
Tools > Clear Recent History > Clear Cache > Everything > Clear Now

Remember change the file code first (selfish).
Go to the special mission and search your TP mission, there will spawn 4 TP training (kekkai in the forest, another TP scroll, wired potion, & 1 more) every day.

Download Tools:
[-] Mozilla. [search in this blog]
[-] Net Frame Work.[search in this blog]
[-] Fiddler.[search in this blog]
[-] SWF File.[Download]

Update Cheat :


  1. gan pengen nanya, rata-rata cheat ninja saga baik pakai CE ataupun Fiddler, kok rata-rata pakai Mozilla?


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